We are going to talk about what is the difference between marketing and selling most of the time
we think that marketing is selling now why do you think so because whenever you
meet anybody in the marketing discipline or anybody working in some organization
you find the person is walking as your salesperson and that is why you feel that marketing is selling but is marketing selling no marketing is much more than selling so what is the difference between marketing and selling is a subset of marketing it means there are many elements in
marketing now as you already know marketing is all about identifying and fulfilling the needs of the customers so now once we talk about identifying and fulfilling the needs of the customers it means marketing starts right from identifying the needs of the customers so whenever we are trying to cater to our consumers we need to identify the needs okay and now informally you can identify the
needs of the consumers on your own or formally you have to do market research for finding that need now it means marketing starts right from the identification of the need and then it
goes beyond selling also so it will stay there till the services provided to the
customer and that's what we talk in the terms of customer relationship management so here in marketing we talk about marketing research okay we talk about consumer markets we talk about
business markets then we talk about how do you sell products to the consumers and how do you sell products the business markets we also talk about brand management we also talk about
product management we talk about new product development we talk about
pricing theories we talked about how to do you do the distribution we talk about
how do you do some kind of advertising some kind of promotional efforts so all our parts of marketing so in marketing, we discuss so many topics and one of the topics is the selling and once the product is ready then only it can be sold in the market and they're selling happens and that's why you will find more and more people in the selling exercise because distribution of the products requires a lot of many people that's why you find that whenever you meet somebody it is mostly from the sales department, for example, you think about a company like Hindustan Unilever or you think
about a company like Procter & Gamble okay in this case you find that there
might be just 5% of people who will be working in other areas of marketing
okay but you will be finding that 80 85 percent of the people or 90 percent of
the people in that organization is working in the sells and distribution domain because that requires a lot of manpower to distribution to be in place
that's why we find more and more people in the sensing exercise but marketing is more than that and marketing starts right from identifying the need to fulfilling the needs of the customers and then to maintain a relationship with the customer 

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